Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Setting Goals

So we're 6+ weeks into a new year, and thankfully I didn't make any resolutions, because I'd be failing miserably at keeping them.

Remember when I was going to do weekly blog updates? Yeah, my last post was over 4 months ago....ooops!

I certainly hope I'm not alone with this phenomenon. You know, saying you'll do something (that you don't 'really' want to do) and then not keeping up your end of the bargain.

However...this blog is something that is always at the back of my mind as something that I do want to do.  It's just not #1 on the list. 

Which brings me to lists.  I'm a list maker.  I add things to a list that I've already done, simply to check it off as done.  It's a sense of accomplishment, and I'm sure there are people reading this going "I soooo do that too!"

So today, I decided to create a 2014 Goal sheet.  These aren't resolutions, or promises, or things I should do but don't really want to.  These are goals that I want to accomplish. That I am willing to work towards because of #1 the feeling of accomplishing something is awesome, #2 these goals will help me move to super-star status in my business, #3 goals are so much better than resolutions.

I made a list of my goals, printed it out and taped it to my desk.  This is a sure-fire way to get things done, right? I'll let ya know in December (hopefully that won't be my next post).

A few of my goals: joining various photography groups such as WPPI and Fearless (who, by the way are awesome... ) as well as challenging myself and my comfort zone of photography.  I hope to begin a portfolio of photographic art that can be displayed in galleries by the end of this year.  Some exciting I challenge you to start a 2014 Goal list. Something that will make you a better person/parent/spouse/employee by the end of the year and give you a sense of accomplishment!

Good luck!!

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