Well, I'm fairly new to blogging, but I'm going to give it a shot!
After speaking with my business savvy cousin, I became motivated to step it up a bit and do all I can to reach my dream. That dream?? To give the gift of time to as many people as I can reach....all through a tiny piece of glass that sits on the face of my Canon Rebel digital camera. Thats right, I'm a photographer. I love the sound of that. Hopefully I will be known as "the photographer" or, more importantly as "our photographer" to many people in Southeastern Wisconsin over the next several years.
However, as many others out there, my family feels the brunt of the recent recession. Unemployment has "allowed" me to begin this adventure and bring my dream to fruition, and with my husband nearly knocking on the door of unemployment himself costs to start up a business aren't easily attained.
You have to start somewhere right? So I'm starting in my basement. I like to say that it keeps me modest! Turning a small area into a workable space has actually worked out for me, and I'm happy to say that I've had remarkable results with very happy customers!
The best part of this new beginning? The savings of rent and utilities expenses is passed along to all of you!!
Pricing has to have been the absolute worst part of starting a business. What do you charge? What value should I place on freezing time for someone else? I want to be fair, I want to be affordable, I want EVERYONE to come to me!! Who doesn't??
Well I think I acheived the fair and affordable part.........now we just need to work on the customer base! Like I said, you have to start somewhere.......
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